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REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhx015·Published: 27 March 2017
作者:Francesco Franzoni (USI Lugano and Swiss Finance Institute), Martin C. Schmalz (Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan)
Fund Flows and Market States
Francesco Franzoni (USI Lugano and Swiss Finance Institute), Martin C. Schmalz (Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan)
This paper establishes a new empirical fact: Mutual funds’ flow-performance sensitivity is a hump-shaped function of aggregate risk-factor realizations. Explanations based on extant theories can explain only a fraction of the pattern. We thus develop a new parsimonious model. It assumes Bayesian investors who are uncertain about the degree to which fund returns are exposed to systematic risk. Fund performance is then less informative about manager skill when factor realizations are larger in absolute value. The data also support the out-of-sample prediction that the hump shape is more pronounced for funds with more uncertain risk loadings.
上一条:【RFS】欧洲杯网站_欧洲杯下注平台-官网推荐高β股票的需求:来自共同基金的证据 下一条:【JEF】协矩风险与股票回报