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REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhx022·Published: 04 April 2017
作者:Susan E. K. Christoffersen (University of Toronto and Copenhagen Business School), Mikhail Simutin (University of Toronto)
On the Demand for High-Beta Stocks: Evidence from Mutual Funds
Susan E. K. Christoffersen (University of Toronto and Copenhagen Business School), Mikhail Simutin (University of Toronto)
Prior studies have documented that pension plan sponsors often monitor a fund’s performance relative to a benchmark. We use a first-difference approach to show that in an effort to beat benchmarks, fund managers controlling large pension assets tend to increase their exposure to high-beta stocks, while aiming to maintain tracking errors around the benchmark. The findings support theoretical conjectures that benchmarking can lead managers to tilt their portfolio toward high-beta stocks and away from low-beta stocks, which can reinforce observed pricing anomalies.
上一条:【JAE】公司融资活动、分析师预测与股票收益率之间的关系 下一条:【RFS】基金流量与市场状况