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Journal of Financial Economics Volume 120, Issue 3, June 2016, Pages 464–490
作者:Tim Bollerslev, Sophia Zhengzi Li, Viktor Todorov
Roughing up beta: Continuous versus discontinuous betas and the cross section of expected stock returns
Tim Bollerslev, Sophia Zhengzi Li, Viktor Todorov
We investigate how individual equity prices respond to continuous and jumpy market price moves and how these different market price risks, or betas, are priced in the cross section of expected stock returns. Based on a novel high-frequency data set of almost 1,000 stocks over two decades, we find that the two rough betas associated with intraday discontinuous and overnight returns entail significant risk premiums, while the intraday continuous beta does not. These higher risk premiums for the discontinuous and overnight market betas remain significant after controlling for a long list of other firm characteristics and explanatory variables.
Keywords: Market price risks; Jump betas; High -frequency data; Cross-sectional return variation
上一条:【JCF】地理位置临近与IPO抑价 下一条:【FM】接近监管层与股价崩盘风险