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THE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE ·Volume 40, Oct 2016, Pages 1-23
作者:Pawan Jain (College of Business, University of Wyoming, Laramie), Christine Jiang (Fogelman College of Business and Economics, The University of Memphis), Mohamed Mekhaimer (School of Business, Clarkson University)
Executives' horizon, internal governance and stock market liquidity
Pawan Jain (College of Business, University of Wyoming, Laramie), Christine Jiang (Fogelman College of Business and Economics, The University of Memphis), Mohamed Mekhaimer (School of Business, Clarkson University)
In this article, we examine whether internal governance, the process through which subordinate managers effectively monitor the chief executive officer (CEO), can improve a firm's liquidity. Using the difference in horizons between a CEO and his immediate subordinates to measure internal governance, we show that firms with better internal governance have lower information asymmetry and higher liquidity. Further, we show that internal governance is effective in enhancing liquidity for firms with CEOs close to retirement, firms that require higher firmspecific skills, and firms with experienced subordinate managers. Our results are robust to inclusion of conventional governance measures, alternative model specifications, and different measures of internal governance and liquidity
Keywords: Executives' horizon、Internal governance、Corporate governance、Subordinate managers、Liquidity
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