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Journal of Financial Markets, Volume 31, November 2016, Pages 25–42
作者:Jens Carsten Jackwertha(University of Konstanz ), Anna Slavutskayab(?cole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne – Swiss Finance Institute )
The total benefit of alternative assets to pension fund portfolios
Jens Carsten Jackwertha(University of Konstanz ), Anna Slavutskayab(?cole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne – Swiss Finance Institute )
Pension funds only quite recently have explored alternative assets, prodded by financial crises that devastated equity returns and led to low bond returns. We assess the addition of alternative assets to pension fund portfolios in terms of the total benefit derived from diversification, addition of positive skewness, and the elimination of left tails in returns. During 1994–2012, adding portfolios of hedge funds produced significantly higher total benefits than adding real estate, commodities, foreign equities, mutual funds, funds of funds, as well as some counter cyclical and non-cyclical assets. Conditioning on past total benefits improves the out-of-sample performance even further.
Keywords:Hedge funds; Pension funds; Performance measurement; Certainty equivalent; Alpha
原文链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386418115300422
上一条:【JF】除息的盈利能力与机构交易技术 下一条:【CAR】预测精度的意义:投资者期望的重要性