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Journal of Finance, Volume 71,Issue 5,October 2016,Pages 2095-2144
作者:Harrison Hong (Princeton University), David A. Sraer (UC Berkeley)
Speculative Betas
Harrison Hong (Princeton University), David A. Sraer ( UC Berkeley)
The risk and return trade-off, the cornerstone of modern asset pricing theory, is often of the wrong sign. Our explanation is that high-beta assets are prone to speculative overpricing. When investors disagree about the stock market's prospects, high-beta assets are more sensitive to this aggregate disagreement, experience greater divergence of opinion about their payoffs, and are overpriced due to short-sales constraints. When aggregate disagreement is low, the Security Market Line is upward-sloping due to risk-sharing. When it is high, expected returns can actually decrease with beta. We confirm our theory using a measure of disagreement about stock market earnings.
上一条:【JPM】风险厌恶、噪音和最优投资 下一条:【CAR】盈余风险预测