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Journal of Financial Markets, Available online 28 April 2017, In Press, Corrected Proof — Note to users
作者:Andrew W. Lo (MIT Sloan School of Management and CSAIL), Alexander Remorov (MIT Operations Research Center)
Stop-loss strategies with serial correlation, regime switching, and transaction costs
Andrew W. Lo (MIT Sloan School of Management and CSAIL), Alexander Remorov (MIT Operations Research Center)
Stop-loss strategies are commonly used by investors to reduce their holdings in risky assets if prices or total wealth breach certain pre-specified thresholds. We derive closed-form expressions for the impact of stop-loss strategies on asset returns that are serially correlated, regime switching, and subject to transaction costs. When applied to a large sample of individual U.S. stocks, we show that tight stop-loss strategies tend to underperform the buy-and-hold policy in a mean-variance framework due to excessive trading costs. Outperformance is possible for stocks with sufficiently high serial correlation in returns. Certain strategies succeed at reducing downside risk, but not substantially.
Keywords:Stop-loss strategy; Risk management; Investments; Portfolio management; Asset allocation; Behavioral finance
原文链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386418117300472
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