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Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2017, pp. 401-425
作者:Dashan Huang (Singapore Management University), Guofu Zhou (Washington University)
Institutional Investment Constraints and Stock Prices
Dashan Huang (Singapore Management University), Guofu Zhou (Washington University)
Can the degree of predictability found in data be explained by existing asset pricing models? We provide two theoretical upper bounds on the R2 of predictive regressions. Using data on the market portfolio and component portfolios, we find that the empirical R2s are significantly greater than the theoretical upper bounds. Our results suggest that the most promising direction for future research should aim to identify new state variables that are highly correlated with stock returns instead of seeking more elaborate stochastic discount factors.
上一条:【JFM】全球市场系统流动性的决定因素与定价 下一条:【JFE】高频交易和2008年的卖空禁止令