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Journal of Empirical Finance · VOLUME 43 · September 2017
作者:David Blitz (Robeco Asset Management), Milan Vidojevic (Robeco Asset Management ; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Columbia University, Columbia Business School)
The profitability of low-volatility
David Blitz (Robeco Asset Management), Milan Vidojevic (Robeco Asset Management ; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Columbia University, Columbia Business School)
Low-risk stocks exhibit higher returns than predicted by established asset pricing models, but this anomaly seems to be explained by the new Fama-French five-factor model, which includes a profitability factor. We argue that this conclusion is premature given the lack of empirical evidence for a positive relation between risk and return. We find that exposure to market beta in the cross-section is not rewarded with a positive premium, regardless of whether we control for the new factors in the five-factor model. We also observe stronger mispricing for volatility than for beta, which suggests that the low-volatility anomaly is the dominant phenomenon. We conclude that the low-risk anomaly is not explained by the five-factor model.
Keywords: Low volatility; Low beta; Profitability; Betting against beta
上一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】中国股指期货的作用:来自价格发现和波动溢出的证据 下一条:【CFR】集中的机构投资者真的能减少高管薪酬并且提高激励吗?